Players & Your Parents

Summer is here and it’s a great chance to spend more time outdoors with family! Now for all the parents of young soccer players, what are some easy tips for enjoying playing with your kids? Even better question is how do we get our kids to enjoying setting up their own games???

Well, this month we made use of FUNdamental Soccer’s tip on teaching children to set up their own 1v1 soccer games. It’s important for kids to realize that they don’t need adults to setup game play for them and here’s how it’s done using anything, anywhere, and anytime! Check out this month’s video here: Playing the 1v1 Game at Home

You’ll see our young player setup the goals for the game. We used water bottles, what else do your young players have lying around that can be turned into goal posts? In this game of 1 v 1 where there are different skill levels you can see how challenges can be created for both players. 

As the adult we can help make the game enjoyable for the younger players for approaching them slower, extending the leg to steal the ball slow enough so they can see the attack and decide how to move the ball, etc. Once we get the ball, we can try a skill of our own, as street soccer players we have some complex combos that are not dependent on our opponents, only our ability to execute them! Then it’s their turn again and we can challenge them accordingly. And as you can see in the video, everyone gets to enjoy the game!

We hope you enjoy the video, and we’ll see you next month!

Happy summer,

Coach Louie and the SISM team