Congratulations to our own Pat Ferre

Congratulations to our own Pat Ferre – winner of the ‘Volunteer of the Year’ award to be presented to him at the 2021 Awards Gala.  This year’s event will be hosted in the Loews Kansas City Hotel – City Ballroom.

 Gain some insights from our National Award Winner…

Why do you volunteer?  It provides the opportunity to meet, assist and work with people with the same interests.  It’s a way to give back and thank all those previous volunteers.  They made it possible for people like me to have the experiences, joy, and memories of being involved in the world of soccer.   

What do you enjoy the most about Volunteering?  Working and sharing with others.  Passing on knowledge, experiences, and seeing people benefit from my involvement.

 What do you like the least about Volunteering?  Waking up early and driving many miles to attend activities.  Finding out that some people do not show as much respect and appreciation as they should for the work that volunteers do. 

  What “words of wisdom/advice” would you like to share/give for others to become volunteers?  Being a volunteer has its own rewards.  Anyone who can look back should realize how much of who they are and what they have been fortunate enough to experience is directly attributed to volunteers in their life.  Volunteering in any capacity is a way to give back and provide for those coming up.

 What major change(s) would you make if you had a magic wand in youth soccer?  Getting more people to get directly involved and realize how important and valuable it is for those being served.  With more volunteers, there would be more understanding about the commitments that it takes to provide for others and hopefully increase the support of their work while reducing the criticism.