“After listening to the “Soccer Practice Framework!” podcast, I felt duty-bound to let others know how well the ‘Practice Framework’ benefited my coaching career.” Mark Starr

It all started in (2002), when Steve Hoxie and I co-coached the Redding Missfits FC, a class 3 U-16 girls’ team. It was our first season together with the team, and we agreed to use the FUNdamental framework and philosophy to the letter.

We stole a piece from Koach Karl’s personality.  He is known for his corny jokes and bits of little known facts.  We would end our practice with the “Fun Fact of the Day.”  Each practice, two girls would come prepared with the fun facts. We quickly found out we needed to limit it to two per player or be there all night.  The girls enjoyed it, as well as we did.

Steve and I took our same coaching style/philosophy to the high school level in (2004); each at different schools.  It was great to see our freshman teaching the seniors the Figure 8 warm-up and ‘the Serve.’

Fast forward to (2008) I took over a team that had primarily been a recreational team playing in a competitive NAIA conference.  I decided to use the same philosophy with the college team.  Since the team needed so much work on individual skills, the decision made perfect sense. (More details)

That is my success story. I now encourage you to listen to the podcast and start your own success story; Then Sharing with Other Coaches in D-7 Will Become Your Duty!

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