Time to pass on some good news; we are registering players in D7. The total count so far is 1600. Which League has the most and which Leagues have none?
Why do I make that statement? It is because we are getting lots of inquiries and lots of rumors.
My League said they are not playing this year because there are no referees!
Above a certain age, I can only register my team in the comp club!
I am from X Town, and the closest League says I have to register in the comp club!
There are many reasons why parents chose a League or a style of play for their kids.
- Price
- Location
- Level of Play
- Travel or no Travel
- Playing with friends and families
These are just some comments for KOMMENTS. I would like you all to think about why you got involved in Youth Sports and especially soccer. The majority of you always say you do it for the kids.
If we are all on the same pathway, let us make it as easy as possible to get the players registered and start to play.
Some of you are having difficulty getting fields, and we started a survey last week. The intent was to let you all know who has fields, so you may contact your neighbor and arrange some friendlies.
Leagues with fields reach out to your neighbor and see if they want to play your teams.
Lack of referees might be an issue for older and competitive play. Still, in recreation, especially small fields, you can use one (1) referee or even a coach to play a game.
Back in my coaching days, I tried to play scrimmage matches with no referees letting the players on the field call the game. You can be surprised when having to be “good sports,” the players stop play hand the ball to the other team, for free kicks and out of play decisions. I believe it really helps players understand the game.