Improving in Isolation

Hall of Famer, Keith Tabatznik, in his article for FUNdamental SOCCER, “Coach: Improve In Isolation” wrote, “During the virus-shutdown might be the perfect time for coaches to improve their own ‘game.’  I asked others for input on the subject and Coach Tigran, Youth Development Phase Lead Coach, Barnet FC, UEFA PRO Licensed Coach, was kind enough to respond with the following…

Coaching is one of the most responsible tasks that people can have. It is fascinating area but is not an easy area. You have to remind yourself why players are in the training sessions; what they want; what they need and why you are there. Here are some of my thoughts and ideas to consider when coaching:

Get to know The Person and then The Player. Connect before you correct. Show them that you care not only with your words but also with your actions. Actions speak louder than your words; so speak less but when you speak be careful the words you use. Be aware what your body language communicates as well. Focus on the individual, what they want and what they need. Praising is important where there is a need for that; but praise the effort and not the outcome.  Read more…