Eliel Payan is our D-7 Boys Referee of the Year for 2017. Here are some insights that Eliel had to share:
Question: How/why did you become a referee?
Eliel: I became a referee two years ago through a Grade 8 course that they offered near my home high school. I saw this as a great opportunity to start adding experience to my resume and at the same time a way to earn some extra income.
Question: What do you like the least about refereeing?
Eliel: I would have to say the least thing I like about refereeing is the ignorance of some of the parents. Only because their kids are the ones on the field, that does not mean everything they say is right, at the end of the day everyone is out there simply to have FUN!
Question: If you had a magic-wand what major change would you make in youth soccer?
Eliel: With my magic wand I would have more people involved with soccer in general. Have more teams playing, have the seasons extended, and bring more determined referees out that actually want to do this.
Click here and join us at FUNdamentalsoccer.com to see Eliel’s answers to: What do you enjoy the most about refereeing? What “words of wisdom/advice” would you like to share/give to: Experienced Referees; Beginning Referees; Coaches; Players and Parents?